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TEMPTATION Prijatelj foruma

Datum registracije: 16 Sep 2009 Poruke: 3364

Snow is a type of precipitation within the Earth's atmosphere in the form of crystalline water ice, consisting of a multitude of snowflakes that fall from clouds...
What do you know about forests?
_________________ Sto ne boli to nije zivot,
sto ne prolazi to nije sreca. |
anchi22 •• 20:01 ••

Datum registracije: 09 Jul 2008 Poruke: 53463

I know that is something that resembles a large, dense growth of trees
What do you know about Philosophers?
TEMPTATION Prijatelj foruma

Datum registracije: 16 Sep 2009 Poruke: 3364

I know that Philosopher is a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields.
What do you know about movie?
_________________ Sto ne boli to nije zivot,
sto ne prolazi to nije sreca. |
Raziel@Nosgoth א Ali Alakinא

Datum registracije: 21 Avg 2007 Poruke: 4465 Mesto: The Pillars of Nosgoth...

If you meant "movies", then I can tell you that I "imagine" they represent "the art of moving pictures", maybe even one of the most popular kind of art available. Some make a distinction between films and movies, claiming the latter to be mere entertainment i.e. not considered art, though I generally wouldn't quite agree. I like watching movies - I know of at least a few that left a remarkable impression, "films" too.
Now, what do you know about the importance of holding on to your dreams/making them true?
Lane86 ~The last lady~

Datum registracije: 02 Okt 2006 Poruke: 24294 Mesto: Nedostižno...

Hm... I know this is what moves me and I will therefore strive to accomplish every...
What do you know about...marriage...?
jellenadabogdakrepala je napisao/la sledeće: | ljubce jedno odeee za jedno divno malo stvorenje... sa velikim i cistim srcem...
koje zraci svojom toplinom i drugarstvom... po svim temama na koje upise neko slovce...
s kojom sam ovdje proveo mnogo prijatnih trenutaka...kao i svi ostali s kim je slovce makar jedno razmijenila....i drago mi je sto se ponovo vratila medju nas..tracare...
dakle ljubce ode za malu nocnu pticicu...inace svima znanu kao lane...  |
Raziel@Nosgoth א Ali Alakinא

Datum registracije: 21 Avg 2007 Poruke: 4465 Mesto: The Pillars of Nosgoth...

I know that it is a special bond made between a man and a woman (though some would say otherwise) before God or a government official, or both in most cases. I know that it requires tolerance and that it's prerequisite ought to be Love and respect for the other... In a few words...
And what do you know of telekinesis?
*Mayche* .:Lust Stained Despair:.

Godine: 39
Datum registracije: 17 Dec 2007 Poruke: 13168 Mesto: Zvezdica na nebu

Nothing at all!!
What do you know about the 13th zodiac sign?
_________________ *"...~ I hear it all the time...the sound of missing you ~..."* |
LEUTica Upućeni član

Datum registracije: 31 Jan 2007 Poruke: 415 Mesto: Neverland

I have to be honest and say that I don't know much about zodiac at all. I also believed there were only 12 of them.
What do you know about oxymorons?
_________________ Postoje ljudi koji vam izvade srce i postoje ljudi koji ga vrate na mjesto.
Elizabeth David |
Raziel@Nosgoth א Ali Alakinא

Datum registracije: 21 Avg 2007 Poruke: 4465 Mesto: The Pillars of Nosgoth...

Well, to be honest I couldn't remember at first, though I thought it was a kind of expression - which wasn't too far from the truth... It is a phrase or a figure of speech used to describe obviously opposing words/terms. One of my favourite is definitely - "living dead" and a completely domesticated term - "virtual reality"...
And what do you know about Dory (fish)?
Jejaorka ~Angel azul~

Datum registracije: 03 Apr 2008 Poruke: 39404

Very cute fish with big eyes but terrible singer
What do you know about mermaids?
I ne znam kad i ne znam gdje
Ici cemo istom stranom ulice...
Vjeruj mi duso srest cemo se
U svijetu tajni mi nismo sami...
Jacky@ Početnik Domaćeg.de

Datum registracije: 12 Jul 2012 Poruke: 4

Mermaids are make believe creature that are said to be half fish and half human. There's a statue of Little Mermaid in Copenhagen.
What do you know about Robin Hood?
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