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Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma

Datum registracije: 20 Mar 2006
Poruke: 7464

PorukaPostavljena: Pon Jan 07, 2008 3:03 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

Are You Growing Tired Of My Love

You never seem, seem to have the time to listen to what I say
How can I know just what goes on in your mind if you always walk away
So what's the good, what's the good of trying
And hanging around you begging for your love
When it seems there's someone else in your dreams
And I can't be sure of you anymore
Are you growing tired of my love?
Have you had too much of my love?
Are you growing tired of my love?
Where is the love you once gave me?
And when we meet, things are not the same now, you always hurry away
And all the friends that once you used to share with me are ignored now, and you're bored now
I guess we are through, but still I go on hoping
Because you never put it into words
Can't you see you should be honest with me
And I've got to find what is in your mind
Are you growing tired of my love?
Have you had too much of my love?
Are you growing tired of my love?
Where is the love you once gave me?
Are you growing tired of my love?
Have you had too much of my love?
Are you growing tired of my love?
Where is the love you once gave me?
Are you growing tired of my love?
Have you had too much of my love?
Are you growing tired of my love?
Where is the love you once gave me?

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