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Dj Aligator
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Autor Poruka
~Angel azul~
<font color='blue'><b>~Angel azul~</b></font>

Godine: 34

Datum registracije: 23 Apr 2007
Poruke: 12820
Mesto: Debela 'ladovina

PorukaPostavljena: Sub Sep 22, 2007 11:54 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

Fly high

Keep your spirit high and let it flow
I`ll take you where u want to go
Open up and let me free your soldiers
Let your body lose control(x2)

this is...the Dj Aligator remix, remix

Keep your spirit high and let it flow
I`ll take you where u want to go(Aligator)
Open up and let me free your soldiers
Let your body lose control(remix)


Keep your spirit high and let it flow
I`ll take you where u want to go
Open up and let me free your soldiers
Let your body lose control(x2)


Just remember... always... fly!

Fly high(x2)

No matter where u go
No matter what u do
Just remember... always.....fly!(x3)

Keep your spirit hïgh and let it flow
I`ll take you where u want to go
Open up and let me free your soldiers
Let your body lose control(x2)


Keep your spirit hïgh and let it flow
I`ll take you where u want to go
Open up and let me free your soldiers
Let your body lose control

Fly High


Now move your ass!

Fly Hïgh


Nema 'leba bez motike...reče lopov i motikom razbi izlog pekare !
~Angel azul~
<font color='blue'><b>~Angel azul~</b></font>

Godine: 34

Datum registracije: 23 Apr 2007
Poruke: 12820
Mesto: Debela 'ladovina

PorukaPostavljena: Sub Sep 22, 2007 11:55 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

I can't forget the past

I can't, I can't forget the past
It's just too much to ask for
I can't believe you chose her over me.
My mind tells me to be strong,
I'm trying to move on, but
All I see is what we used to be.

Since that day I left,
Everything's the same.
I'm trying to forget
All the unheard pain.

I know that you say
I'm the one with all the problems
I know that you say
I'm not fair to you.
But what did you expect me to do?

I can't, I can't forget the past
It's just too much to ask for
I can't believe you chose her over me
My mind tells me to be strong,
I'm trying to move on, but
All I see is what we used to be.

Guess who said "Hello!"(Hello?)
When I called your home
(I thing you dialled the wrong number, sweety!)
I guess you didn't know
That I was on the phone.

I know that you say
We're supposed to be together.
You know that I say
How can you stay?
Leave her before the way
Before it's too late!

I can't, I can't forget the past
It's just too much to ask for
I can't believe you chose her over me
My mind tells me to be strong,
I'm trying to move on, but
All I see ïs what we used to be.(x2)


Nema 'leba bez motike...reče lopov i motikom razbi izlog pekare !
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