Datum registracije: 16 Mar 2005 Poruke: 213 Mesto: Kac
Sve si mi bila, ljubavi,
Sve sto mi duse iste
Moj zeleni otok, ljubavi,
I cesma, i svetiste;
Svud vijenci voca, cvjetne hvoje,
I sve sto bjese moje.
Prelijepi snu, ne trajes vise!
O, zvijezde nade, sto ste sjale,
Sad oblaci vas sakrise!
Glas Buduceg mi vice: "Dalje!"
Ali moj duh se, lebdec, njise
Nad tamnim morem prosle srece
Uzasnut, nijem, sve tise.
Jer jao! Jao, u meni
Zivota svjetlo trne.
"Nikad vec - nikad za te"
(kao da valove crne
slusam sto sapucu kleti)
"Spaljeno stablo ne cvate,
Orao ranjen ne leti."
Svi sati su mi poput zore,
A noc ko sanja cista,
Gdje tvoje tamne oci gore,
I gdje ti korak blista:
U kojem plesu sad se vije,
Kraj kojih voda Italije?
Prokleto bilo ono doba:
Od ljubavi su odveli te.
Za tudji lezaj tad su zloba
I crni zlocin oteli te,
Od nasih magla i od mene,
Gdje srebro tuznih vrba vene
_________________ "Mislim da neke misli treba da ostavim u mislima"
mymyjana Početnik Domaćeg.de
Datum registracije: 27 Dec 2006 Poruke: 4 Mesto: wish it was New Zealand
A Dream Within A Dream
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream:
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision or in none,
Is it therefore the less _gone_?
_All_ that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
_One_ from the pitiless wave?
Is _all_ that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ
Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310
Edgar Allan Poe reads Annabel Lee
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ
Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310
The Raven- Edgar Allen Poe
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
ex_deda Banovan! *28*
Datum registracije: 08 Okt 2006 Poruke: 7256
Poe mi je bio jedan od omiljenih kad sam počeo na Engleskom da pišem, tragičan zivot je imao. Medjutim čitam i divim se više Coleridgu, isto ima Raven pesmu, početak potseća na Srbiju u stara dobra vremena.
Coleridge, ''The Raven''
(This is not Edgar Allan Poe's poem of the same name.)
Underneath an old oak tree
There was of swine a huge company
That grunted as they crunched the mast
For that was ripe, and fell full fast.
Then they trotted away, for the wind grew high:
One acorn they left, and no more might you spy.
Next came a Raven, that liked not such folly
He belonged, they did say, to the witch Melancholy!
Blacker was he than blackest jet,
Flew low in the rain, and his feathers not wet
He picked up the acorn and buried it straight
By the side of a river both deep and great.
Where then did the Raven go?
He went high and low
Over hill, over dale, did the black Raven go.
Many Autumns, many Springs
Traveled he with wandering wings:
Many summers, many Winters
I can't tell half his adventures.
At length he came back, and with him a She
And the acorn was grown to a tall oak tree.
They built them a nest in the topmost bough,
And young ones they had, and were happy enow.
But soon came a Woodman in leathern guise,
His brow, like a pent-house, hung over his eyes.
He'd an axe in his hand, not a word he spoke,
But with many a hem! and a sturdy stroke,
At length he brought down the poor Raven's own oak.
His young ones were killed; for they could not depart,
And their mother did die of a broken heart.
The boughs from the trunk the Woodman did sever;
And they floated it down on the course of the river.
They sawed it in planks, and its bark they did strip,
And with this tree and others they made a good ship.
The ship, it was launched; but in sight of the land
Such a storm there did rise as no ship would withstand.
It bulged on a rock, and the waves rush'd in fast;
Round and round flew the Raven, and cawed to the blast.
He heard the last shriek of the perishing souls--
See! see! o'er the topmast the mad water rolls!
Right glad was the Raven, and off he went fleet,
And Death riding home on a cloud he did meet,
And he thank'd him again and again for this treat:
They had taken his all; and REVENGE IT WAS SWEET!
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ
Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310
Edgar Alan Po (Boston, 19. januar 1809. - Baltimor , 7. oktobar 1849.), američki američki književnik, pesnik, urednik literarnih magazina i jedan od najznačajnijih predstavnika američkog romantizma. Edgar Alan Po, za života gotovo nepoznat, postao jedan od najuticajnijih američkih pesnika kada su vrednost njegovog dela otkrili francuski pesnici Bodler, Malarme i Valeri. Njegove kratke pripovetke smatraju se pretečom detektivskog romana.
Njegov otac i majka, Dejvid Po ml. i Elizabeta Hopkins Po (oboje glumci) preminuli su u roku od dve godine (otac 1810, majka 1811.) nakon njegovog rođenja - nakon toga, Po je odveden u Ričmond, gdje je živeo kod Džona Alana, te onda poslan u Englesku gde je od 1815. do 1820. pohađao Манор Сцхоол u Svindon Njuingtonu. Nikad legalno usvojen, prezime Alan uzeo je kao srednje ime.
Godine 1826., Po odlazi na studije na virdžinijski univerzitet pod imenom, ali je izbačen zbog kockarskih dugova, što ga dovodi u svađu s Džonom Alanom koji ga se tada odrekao kao sina. Godine 1827. pridružio se vojsci, lagavši o svom imenu i starosti; 1830. stiže do Vest Pointa, ali je izbačen godinu kasnije zbog neizvršavanja dužnosti.
O sledećem periodu Poova života malo se zna, osim da je 1833. živeo s očevom sestrom u Baltimoru. Nakon što je s kratkom pričom Poruka u Boci osvojio 50 dolara, započinje karijeru pisca: u časopisima Sadern literari mesindžer (u Ričmondu, gde je stvarao od 1835. do 1837.), te filadelfijskim Bartonz džentlmenz magazin i Grejemz magazin (1839. - 1843.), izlaze neka od njegovih najpoznatijih dela.
Godine 1835, Po se ženi trinaestogodišnjom rođakinjom Virdžinijom Klem, koja će kasnije od posledica tuberkuloze postati invalid, te na kraju i preminuti, što se smatra uzrokom Poovog neobuzdanog alkoholizma. Slavna pesma Anabel Li (1849.) posvećena je Virdžiniji.
Njegova prva zbirka, Priče iz Groteske i Arabeske, pojavila se 1840. godine, a sadrži jedno od njegovih najpoznatijih dela, Pad kuće Ašerovih. U ranim četrdesetim godinama 19. veka, izlazi i Školjkareva prva knjiga, njegovo najprodavanije djelo.
Mračna poema o izgubljenoj ljubavi, Gavran donela je Pou svetsku slavu kad je izdana 1845, a Ubistva u Rue Morgue te Ukradeno pismo, takođe iz tog perioda, smatraju se Poovim najpoznatijim kriminalističkim romanima. Takođe, bio je aktivan književni novinar.
Godine 1848, depresivan i u očaju, Po pokušava samoubistvo. Nakon toga je nakon zabave na putu novoj zaručnici nestao na tri dana. Pojavio se u vrlo čudnom stanju u Baltimoru, gde je i na kraju preminuo 7. oktobra 1849.
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ
Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310
Gaily bedight,
A gallant knight,
In sunshine and in shadow,
Had journeyed long,
Singing a song,
In search of Eldorado.
But he grew old-
This knight so bold-
And o'er his heart a shadow
Fell as he found
No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado.
And, as his strength
Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow-
"Shadow," said he,
"Where can it be-
This land of Eldorado?"
"Over the Mountains
Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied-
"If you seek for Eldorado!"
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ
Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310
Evening Star
'Twas noontide of summer,
And mid-time of night;
And stars, in their orbits,
Shone pale, thro' the light
Of the brighter, cold moon,
'Mid planets her slaves,
Herself in the Heavens,
Her beam on the waves.
I gazed awhile
On her cold smile;
Too cold- too cold for me-
There pass'd, as a shroud,
A fleecy cloud,
And I turned away to thee,
Proud Evening Star,
In thy glory afar,
And dearer thy beam shall be;
For joy to my heart
Is the proud part
Thou bearest in Heaven at night,
And more I admire
Thy distant fire,
Than that colder, lowly light.
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ
Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310
An Enigma
"Seldom we find," says Solomon Don Dunce,
"Half an idea in the profoundest sonnet.
Through all the flimsy things we see at once
As easily as through a Naples bonnet-
Trash of all trash!- how can a lady don it?
Yet heavier far than your Petrarchan stuff-
Owl-downy nonsense that the faintest puff
Twirls into trunk-paper the while you con it."
And, veritably, Sol is right enough.
The general tuckermanities are arrant
Bubbles- ephemeral and so transparent-
But this is, now- you may depend upon it-
Stable, opaque, immortal- all by dint
Of the dear names that he concealed within 't.
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ
Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310
In Heaven a spirit doth dwell
"Whose heart-strings are a lute";
None sing so wildly well
As the angel Israfel,
And the giddy stars (so legends tell),
Ceasing their hymns, attend the spell
Of his voice, all mute.
Tottering above
In her highest noon,
The enamored moon
Blushes with love,
While, to listen, the red levin
(With the rapid Pleiads, even,
Which were seven,)
Pauses in Heaven.
And they say (the starry choir
And the other listening things)
That Israfeli's fire
Is owing to that lyre
By which he sits and sings-
The trembling living wire
Of those unusual strings.
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ
Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310
Ah, broken is the golden bowl! the spirit flown forever!
Let the bell toll!- a saintly soul floats on the Stygian river;
And, Guy de Vere, hast thou no tear?- weep now or nevermore!
See! on yon drear and rigid bier low lies thy love, Lenore!
Come! let the burial rite be read- the funeral song be sung!-
An anthem for the queenliest dead that ever died so young-
A dirge for her the doubly dead in that she died so young.
"Wretches! ye loved her for her wealth and hated her for her pride,
And when she fell in feeble health, ye blessed her- that she died!
How shall the ritual, then, be read?- the requiem how be sung
By you- by yours, the evil eye,- by yours, the slanderous tongue
That did to death the innocence that died, and died so young?"
Peccavimus; but rave not thus! and let a Sabbath song
Go up to God so solemnly the dead may feel no wrong.
The sweet Lenore hath "gone before," with Hope, that flew beside,
Leaving thee wild for the dear child that should have been thy
For her, the fair and debonair, that now so lowly lies,
The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes
The life still there, upon her hair- the death upon her eyes.
"Avaunt! avaunt! from fiends below, the indignant ghost is riven-
From Hell unto a high estate far up within the Heaven-
From grief and groan, to a golden throne, beside the King of
Let no bell toll, then,- lest her soul, amid its hallowed mirth,
Should catch the note as it doth float up from the damned Earth!
And I!- to-night my heart is light!- no dirge will I upraise,
But waft the angel on her flight with a Paean of old days!"
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ
Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310
To One in Paradise
Thou wast all that to me, love,
For which my soul did pine-
A green isle in the sea, love,
A fountain and a shrine,
All wreathed with fairy fruits and flowers,
And all the flowers were mine.
Ah, dream too bright to last!
Ah, starry Hope! that didst arise
But to be overcast!
A voice from out the Future cries,
"On! on!"- but o'er the Past
(Dim gulf!) my spirit hovering lies
Mute, motionless, aghast!
For, alas! alas! me
The light of Life is o'er!
"No more- no more- no more-"
(Such language holds the solemn sea
To the sands upon the shore)
Shall bloom the thunder-blasted tree
Or the stricken eagle soar!
And all my days are trances,
And all my nightly dreams
Are where thy grey eye glances,
And where thy footstep gleams-
In what ethereal dances,
By what eternal streams.
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
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