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Jeti, motman i čupakabra
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Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma

Godine: 58

Datum registracije: 31 Avg 2004
Poruke: 14175
Mesto: zemlja nedodjija

PorukaPostavljena: Čet Maj 19, 2005 9:10 pm    Naslov poruke: Jeti, motman i čupakabra Na vrh strane Na dno strane

Yeti - karika koja nedostaje

~ Gospodari belih divljina ~

Nema nedvojbenih dokaza. Nema nalaza lobanja ili kostiju. Nema uginulih, zarobljenih ni ubijenih. Nema grobova. Nema jasnih fotografija, niti autenticnih filmskih snimaka, ali se o divljem, sneznom coveku, ipak, gotovo sve zna...

To je medved! Ne, majmun! Mozda covek?! Ili odmetnuti razbojnik? Pustinjak koji je pobegao od ljudi i sveta? Poslednji neandertalac koji je zaostao na putu evolucije? Preziveli gigantopek iz treceg roda primata, koji je davno iscezao, dok su se dva reda razvila u dva smera - jedan u majmuna, a drugi u coveka?
To je, zapravo, snezni covek?

Da li uopste postoji?

Takva sumnja ni najmanje ne postoji kod Tibetanaca, Kasmiraca, Nepalaca ili prostodusnih himalajskih vodica Sherpasa. Postoji u njihovim verovanjima, sagama, mitovima i legendama, ali i u cestim uzbudljivim kazivanjima oko vatre, dok sede ispunjeni teskobama i dok zestokom himalajskom rakijom, koju nazivaju "arak", razbijaju strahove i utoljuju zed. U tim je trenucima postojanje sneznog divljeg coveka neupitno. On egzistira, on je tu, u studenoj pomrcini, iza prve nepristupacne stene, ceka i vreba!

Misteriozno bice

Tibetanci ga nazivaju mi-go, sto bi se moglo prevesti kao prljavi covek, Nepalci su mu dali ime metchkangami, sto doslovno znaci prljav, smrdljiv, odvratan, jednom recju - uzasan; na Pamiru ga zovu alma; na Kavkazu almas ili almast; u istocnom Sibiru chuchunaa (cucuna); a u Kanadi i Sedinjenim Drzavama "bigfoot" (veliko stopalo, velikonozac) i sasquatch, kako su ga nekad nazvali Indijanci. U juznom Brazilu i prostranoj Amazoniji, gde sam sa znanstveno-novinarskom istrazivackom ekspedicijom boravio u leto 1990. godine, saznao sam za njegova tri rodaka - mapinguary, capelobo i pelobo; u Equadoru, Kolumbiji i Venezueli zovu ga jednostavno didi, ali je u latinskoj Americi njegovo najcesce ime - mono grande, sto na spanskom jeziku znaci - veliki majmun!
Divlji covek nosi jos nekoliko imena, ali je - zasigurno - njegovo najpopularnije ime jeti, verojatno nastalo od tibetanskih rijeci "yeh" (kamenit kraj) i "the" (zivotinja)! Na nepalskom, kako je poznato, jeti simbolizira - snaznog divljeg sneznog coveka!
Bez obzira kakvim imenima ga u svijetu sve nazivali, stanovnici visokih planina i divljih, tesko pristupacnih oblasti na nasem planetu ne sumnjaju u njegovo postojanje. Naprotiv. Uvereni su da je on cinjenica kao sto je cinjenica da se svako jutro, sunce budi na istoku, a uvece gasi na zapadu. No, druga je stvar sto jos uvek niko ne nudi prave dokaze o njegovom nesumnjivom postojanju!
Dokaze, na zalost, ne nude ni suvremeni istrazivaci, koji se svadjaju i polemisu vec vise od 400 godina, otkako je sredinom 16. veka njegovo postojanje nagovestio jedan nemacki prirodnjak koji je boravio na neistrazenim azijskim planinama. Jetijevo postojanje pokusali su dokazati i alpinisti, znanstvenici i avanuristi, dokoni bogatuni i brojne medjunarodne ekspedicije, ali do sada nikome nije poslo za rukom da okonca i razjasni tu staru enigmu.

Zivi fosili

Ljudi su culi uzbudljive price i bezbrojna svedocanstva; u snegu i blatu videli i fotografirali neobicne tragove; nacrtali bezbroj crteza i skica; sakupili pregrsti sasusenog i smrznutog izmeta i dlaka, sto bi trebalo da pripadaju sneznem coveku, ali nikada nijedna njegova fotografija, trag ili otisak golemih stopala, niti bilo sto drugo nije razbilo sumnje i potvrdilo njegovo postojanje!
Svejedno, mnogi ga danas smatraju prezivelom zivotinjskom vrstom; divljim, majmunolikim covekom; prezivelim neandertalcem; "izgubljenom karikom u lancu ljudske evolucije", sto je - nekim cudom - zaostala iza "svog vremena" i jos uvek vesto izmice suvremenoj znanosti. Mozda je bas zbog toga, zbog svoje misterioznosti i neuhvatljivosti, jeti i stekao u svetu tako veliku popularnost. No, ako po strani ostavimo sage i mitove, ako osluhnemo reci znanosti - da li je moguce da neandertalski covek, koji je egzistirao u diluviju (Ledeno doba) jos uvek zivi na prostorima ove planete? Je li moguce da je prezivio?
Vecina znanstvenika odgovorice negativno, ali dr. Myra Shackley, profesorka arheologije na sveucilistima Leicester i Southampton, u Velikoj Britaniji, u svojoj zanimljivoj knjizi "Wild Man" ("Divlji ljudi") objavljenoj 1982. godine, smatra (i dokazuje!) da neandertalci nisu izumrli i da na nasem planetu i danas zive!
Tu je senzacionalnu tvrdnju britanska znanstvenica ponovila i u uglednom casopisu "Antiquity":
"Bica nalik neandertalskom coveku, prezivela jos od vremena poslednjeg Ledenog doba u tesko pristupacnim predelima Himalaje, Sovjetskog Saveza i Mongolije, vidjana su do sada bezbroj puta. U Mongoliji ih zovu almasti, sto oznacava divlja kosmata ljudska bica, i oni sasvim sigurno postoje!..."
Zanimanje dr. Myrae Shackley za almaste (ponekad ih zovu kratko - alme!) datira od 1979. godine, kada je izvesno vreme - kao stipendista British Councila - radila na Sveucilistu u Ulan Batoru, glavnom gradu Mongolije. Tih je meseci, istrazivala drevne arheoloske lokalitete na Altajskim planinama, pa je cesto slusala price lokalnih nomada o pojavljivanju almasta, susretima s njima, njihovom covekolikom izgledu i ponasanju.
- Oni postoje! - kaze britanska znanstvenica - i tu nema sumnje!


Prema podatcima istrazivaca i kriptozoologa, gotovo u svim dijelovima svijeta zive covijekolika divlja stvorenja


Fotofrafija Big Foota (Veliko Stopalo) snimljena u americkim planinama prosla je mnoge analize, no ni do danas njena autenticnost nije potvrdjena


Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma

Godine: 58

Datum registracije: 31 Avg 2004
Poruke: 14175
Mesto: zemlja nedodjija

PorukaPostavljena: Čet Maj 26, 2005 12:25 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane



izvidjacka ekspedicija iz 1951. vratila se ne samo sa dramaticnim izvestajem o mogucoj ruti ka vrhu, nego i sa novostima o Jetiju.

Poznatiji kao "Snezni covek", Jeti postoji u himalajskom folkloru vekovima. Price o bicu, polu-coveku polu-zveri, koje zive u sneznom kraljevstvu utkane su u legende Tibeta i Nepala. Jeti je nepalska rec, dok je na tibetanskom poznat kao Metohkangmi, sto bukvalno znaci "prljavi snezni covek".

Te 1951. godine bilo je drugacije. Jeti je ostavio svoj trag, velicine 13x8in. Postoje razne teorije o tom famoznom otisku, da li je to stvarno bio Jeti ili je to trag himalajske koze koji se na suncu otopio i deformisao ili se neko nasalio sa istrazivacima ili...


Poslednja prepravka: Yasmin datum Čet Maj 26, 2005 12:40 pm; ukupno izmenjena 1 put

Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma

Godine: 58

Datum registracije: 31 Avg 2004
Poruke: 14175
Mesto: zemlja nedodjija

PorukaPostavljena: Čet Maj 26, 2005 12:31 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

Strašni snežni covek "Jeti", poznat po tome što plaši ljude na Himalajima, obican je mrki medved, izjavio je japanski alpinista koji je više od deset godina proucavao taj slucaj.Apsolutno sam ubeden da sam tu tajnu pretvorio u proverenu cinjenicu - rekao je Makoto Nebuka (56), veteran japanskog alpinistickog kluba.
Nebuka planira da objavi rezultate istraživanja koja je sprovodio tokom 12 godina u Nepalu, Tibetu i Butanu. Prema njegovim recima, "Jeti" je samo obican medved. U stvari rec "jeti" je iskvareni oblik tibetanske reci "meti", što znaci mrki medved sa Himalaja. Kako Nebuka dalje navodi, "Ursus arctos" je ugrožena vrsta medveda. Neki Tibetanci smatraju da je "meti" sveto bice, ali zastrašujuce jer je agresivno, navodi japanski alpinista. Nebuka navodi da je pre nekoliko godina fotografisao glavu i šape jednog "metija", koje je jedan lokalni vodic Himalaja konzervisao i cuva ih kao talisman. Prica o snežnom coveku, koji lici na covekolikog majmuna, potice iz 19. veka.Beta, AFP


Poslednja prepravka: Yasmin datum Čet Maj 26, 2005 12:48 pm; ukupno izmenjena 1 put

Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma

Godine: 58

Datum registracije: 31 Avg 2004
Poruke: 14175
Mesto: zemlja nedodjija

PorukaPostavljena: Čet Maj 26, 2005 12:39 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

Jeti - (Yeti - Abominable Snowman)- legendarni divlji čovek sa Himelaja. Očevidci tvrde da su ga videli u Nepalu (odakle i potiče ime Jeti) kao i u delovima Kine, Sibira i drugih delova Azije. Postoje izveštaju da je Jeti viđen i u Severnoj Americi. U Americi je poznatiji pod imenom Veliko Stopalo (Bigfoot), a u Kanadi pod imenom Seskvoč (Sasquatch). Za stvorenje se tvrdi da se lako skriva i da ga je teško primetiti. U izveštajima očevidaca se opisuje kao ogromno, dlakavo, majmunoliko stvorenje neprijatnog mirisa sa crtama lica koje podsećaju na čoveka. Komunicira zvižducima, vriscima i roptanjem.

Početnik Domaćeg.de
Početnik Domaćeg.de

Datum registracije: 03 Jan 2006
Poruke: 102
Mesto: vo izguben svet

PorukaPostavljena: Pet Jan 06, 2006 4:41 am    Naslov poruke: Mothman, chupacabra i ostala neobicna stvorenja Na vrh strane Na dno strane

obicno se on pojavljuje u Latinskoj Americi i u Americi, ali samo meksikancima. Kazu da cedi krv sa zivotinjama, bez uopste da prospe nista na zemlji. Nema tragove ili bilo kakvog dokaza. Meksikanci koji su ga videli kazu da hoda na dve noge, da ima krilja i velike crvene oci. Neke misle da je to vanzemaljac, a neki misle da je to neki eksperiment sto je americka vlada uradila.

Sta kazete?

What is El Chupacabra?
El Chupacabra - Means "the goat sucker" in Spanish.

Named because of the way it sucked all the blood from Puerto Rican goats, the Chupacabra has been leaving fear in its tracks for many years now.

First spotted in Puerto Rico in 1994, the Chupacabra has since migrated off the island and has recently been spotted in many locations including South America as well as the US. Although it was named because of its choice of goat-blood as a meal, the Chupacabra has reportedly attacked and devoured the blood of a wide variety of animals including dogs and sheep. As far as we know, there have yet to be any human fatalities.

Due to the distinct technique the strange animal has of killing its prey, it is very easy to tell if the Chupacabra was involved in an animals death. Animals are found with puncture wounds in their neck and most of their blood removed. Often, the victim's organs have disappeared even though the only wound is a small hole in the animal's neck. Reports of laser-like cuts on the victim's ears are also common.

Although some people say they have seen the Chupacabra's tracks, in many cases there are no signs of blood or tracks around the dead animals.

It is hard to describe the appearance of El Chupacabra because sightings greatly differ. Most say it is either gray or green. Some say it has a large lizard-like tongue, others say it has wings.

A bipedal creature (one that stands upright like a human), the Chupacabra has had many sightings where its height was reported to be anywhere from 3 and 6 feet tall. Some say it walks, some say it flies, and some say it has a kangaroo hop.

Where did it come from?

Like the descriptions of El Chupacabras' appearance, people's ideas of its origin widely vary. Many say it's a new species, or a relative to the panther. More eccentric scholars say it is a dinosaur or an alien. Another theory is that there is a portal to another dimension that stretches from Puerto Rico across to South America.

Our theory is that an alien spacecraft contained El Chupacabras' as pets or for study, and they somehow escaped during an accident, or a crash

"We live in an age when pizza gets to your home before the police."

-- Jeff Marder.
Cute Blondie
* Belphegor's bitch *
* Belphegor's bitch *

Godine: 43

Datum registracije: 03 Jan 2006
Poruke: 2193
Mesto: Beograd

PorukaPostavljena: Pet Jan 06, 2006 5:18 am    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

Ja nisam skeptik i verujem u dosta toga, ili bar ne iskljucujem mogucnost da nesto postoji iako nema materijalnih dokaza i potvde naucnika ali ovo mi deluje ipak kao bujna masta meksikanaca...Mislim kako se to pojavljuje samo kod njih??A i oni su generalno jako bogobojazljivi i dosta sujeverni pa mi ta prica malo ne pije vodu.Mada opet ko zna? New Evil

Početnik Domaćeg.de
Početnik Domaćeg.de

Datum registracije: 03 Jan 2006
Poruke: 102
Mesto: vo izguben svet

PorukaPostavljena: Pet Jan 06, 2006 5:23 am    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

vidis, izumila sam da napisem da se i amerikancu u Teksasu to isto desilo. Toliko sam zaboravljena. Neki americki skeptici kazu da su mozda i satanske sekte da to rade. Ali, opet, kako nema tragova?

"We live in an age when pizza gets to your home before the police."

-- Jeff Marder.
Cute Blondie
* Belphegor's bitch *
* Belphegor's bitch *

Godine: 43

Datum registracije: 03 Jan 2006
Poruke: 2193
Mesto: Beograd

PorukaPostavljena: Sub Jan 07, 2006 12:01 am    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

Pa to za sekte je moguce,cula sam da satanisticke sekte rade svasta... prinosenje zrtava satani u vidu raznih zivotinja (ponekad i ljudi)...Ma uzas. Sve bih ih ja pookacinjala po javnim trgovima za primer da to nikom ne padne na pamet.Slabo se te sektaske aktivnosti sankcionisu.


Datum registracije: 11 Jan 2006
Poruke: 1670
Mesto: preko okeana

PorukaPostavljena: Sre Jan 11, 2006 1:44 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

Hm,prvi put cujem za tog cupaca...ne znam mu ni ime izgovorit.
Zanimljivo u svako slucaju.

Osmijeh na lice i bice sve ok!
Astral Projection
Početnik Domaćeg.de
Početnik Domaćeg.de

Godine: 36

Datum registracije: 11 Jan 2006
Poruke: 77
Mesto: Spiritual Dimension

PorukaPostavljena: Sre Jan 11, 2006 2:39 pm    Naslov poruke: Mothman Na vrh strane Na dno strane

Mothman.. Chudno bicje koje je predvidjelo neke katastrofe. Vjerujete li da postoji? Imam neki text o njemu na engleskom pa ko voli nek izvoli.. Smile

the enigma of point pleasant

The weird events connected to the Mothman began on November 12, 1966 near Clendenin, West Virginia. Five men were in the local cemetery that day, preparing a grave for a burial, when something that looked like a “brown human being” lifted off from some nearby trees and flew over their heads. The men were baffled. It did not appear to be a bird, but more like a man with wings. A few days later, more sightings would take place, electrifying the entire region.
Late in the evening of November 15, two young married couples had a very strange encounter as they drove past an abandoned TNT plant near Point Pleasant, West Virginia. The couples spotted two large eyes that were attached to something that was "shaped like a man, but bigger, maybe six or seven feet tall. And it had big wings folded against its back". When the creature moved toward the plant door, the couples panicked and sped away. Moments later, they saw the same creature on a hillside near the road. It spread its wings and rose into the air, following with their car, which by now was traveling at over 100 miles per hour. "That bird kept right up with us," said one of the group. They told Deputy Sheriff Millard Halstead that it followed them down Highway 62 and right to the Point Pleasant city limits. And they would not be the only ones to report the creature that night. Another group of four witnesses claimed to see the “bird” three different times!

Another sighting had more bizarre results. At about 10:30 on that same evening, Newell Partridge, a local building contractor who lived in Salem (about 90 miles from Point Pleasant), was watching television when the screen suddenly went dark. He stated that a weird pattern filled the screen and then he heard a loud, whining sounds from outside that raised in pitch and then ceased. “It sounded like a generator winding up” he later stated. Partridge’s dog, Bandit, began to howl out on the front porch and Newell went out to see what was going on.

When he walked outside, he saw Bandit facing the hay barn, about 150 yards from the house. Puzzled, Partridge turned a flashlight in that direction and spotted two red circles that looked like eyes or “bicycle reflectors”. They moving red orbs were certainly not animal’s eyes, he believed, and the sight of them frightened him. Bandit, an experienced hunting dog and protective of his territory, shot off across the yard in pursuit of the glowing eyes. Partridge called for him to stop, but the animal paid no attention. His owner turned and went back into the house for his gun, but then was too scared to go back outside again. He slept that night with his gun propped up next to the bed. The next morning, he realized that Bandit had disappeared. The dog had still not shown up two days later when Partridge read in the newspaper about the sightings in Point Pleasant that night.

One statement that he read in the newspaper chilled him to the bone. Roger Scarberry, one member of the group who spotted the strange “bird” at the TNT plant, said that as they entered the city limits of Point Pleasant, they saw the body of a large dog lying on the side of the road. A few minutes later, on the way back out of town, the dog was gone. They even stopped to look for the body, knowing they had passed it just a few minutes before. Newell Partridge immediately thought of Bandit, who was never seen again.

On November 16, a press conference was held in the county courthouse and the couples from the TNT plant sighting repeated their story. Deputy Halstead, who had known the couples all of their lives, took them very seriously. “They’ve never been in any trouble,” he told investigators and had no reason to doubt their stories. Many of the reporters who were present for the weird recounting felt the same way. The news of the strange sightings spread around the world. The press dubbed the odd flying creature “Mothman”, after a character from the popular Batman television series of the day.

The remote and abandoned TNT plant became the lair of the Mothman in the months ahead and it could not have picked a better place to hide in. The area was made up of several hundred acres of woods and large concrete domes where high explosives were stored during World War II. A network of tunnels honeycombed the area and made it possible for the creature to move about without being seen. In addition to the manmade labyrinth, the area was also comprised of the McClintic Wildlife Station, a heavily forested animal preserve filled with woods, artificial ponds and steep ridges and hills. Much of the property was almost inaccessible and without a doubt, Mothman could have hid for weeks or months and remained totally unseen. The only people who ever wandered there were hunters and fishermen and the local teenagers, who used the rutted dirt roads of the preserve as “lover’s lanes”.

Very few homes could be found in the region, but one dwelling belonged to the Ralph Thomas family. One November 16, they spotted a “funny red light” in the sky that moved and hovered above the TNT plant. “It wasn’t an airplane”, Mrs. Marcella Bennett (a friend of the Thomas family) said, “but we couldn’t figure out what it was.” Mrs. Bennett drove to the Thomas house a few minutes later and got out of the car with her baby. Suddenly, a figure stirred near the automobile. “It seemed as though it had been lying down,” she later recalled. “It rose up slowly from the ground. A big gray thing. Bigger than a man with terrible glowing eyes.”

Mrs. Bennett was so horrified that she dropped her little girl! She quickly recovered, picked up her child and ran to the house. The family locked everyone inside but hysteria gripped them as the creature shuffled onto the porch and peered into the windows. The police were summoned, but the Mothman had vanished by the time the authorities had arrived.

Mrs. Bennett would not recover from the incident for months and was in fact so distraught that she sought medical attention to deal with her anxieties. She was tormented by frightening dreams and later told investigators that she believed the creature had visited her own home too. She said that she could often hear a keening sounds (like a woman screaming) near her isolated home on the edge of Point Pleasant.

Many would come to believe that the sightings of Mothman, as well as UFO sightings and encounters with “men in black” in the area, were all related. For nearly a year, strange happenings continued in the area. Researchers, investigators and “monster hunters” descended on the area but none so famous as author John Keel, who has written extensively about Mothman and other unexplained anomalies. He has written for many years about UFO’s but dismisses the standard “extraterrestrial” theories of the mainstream UFO movement. For this reason, he has been a controversial figure for decades. According to Keel, man has had a long history of interaction with the supernatural. He believes that the intervention of mysterious strangers in the lives of historic personages like Thomas Jefferson and Malcolm X provides evidence of the continuing presence of the “gods of old”. The manifestation of these elder gods comes in the form of UFO’s and aliens, monsters, demons, angels and even ghosts. He has remained a colorful character to many and yet remains respected in the field for his research and fascinating writings.

Keel became the major chronicler of the Mothman case and wrote that at least 100 people personally witnessed the creature between November 1966 and November 1967. According to their reports, the creature stood between five and seven feet tall, was wider than a man and shuffled on human-like legs. Its eyes were set near the top of the shoulders and had bat-like wings that glided, rather than flapped, when it flew. Strangely though, it was able to ascend straight up “like a helicopter”. Witnesses also described its murky skin as being either gray or brown and it emitted a humming sound when it flew. The Mothman was apparently incapable of speech and gave off a screeching sound. Mrs. Bennett stated that it sounded like a “woman screaming”.

John Keel arrived in Point Pleasant in December 1966 and immediately began collecting reports of Mothman sightings and even UFO reports from before the creature was seen. He also compiled evidence that suggested a problem with televisions and phones that began in the fall of 1966. Lights had been seen in the skies, particularly around the TNT plant, and cars that passed along the nearby road sometimes stalled without explanation. He and his fellow researchers also uncovered a number of short-lived poltergeist cases in the Ohio Valley area. Locked doors opened and closed by themselves, strange thumps were heard inside and outside of homes and often, inexplicable voices were heard. The James Lilley family, who lived just south of the TNT plant, were so bothered by the bizarre events that they finally sold their home and moved to another neighborhood. Keel was convinced that the intense period of activity was all connected.

And stranger things still took place..... A reporter named Mary Hyre, who was the Point Pleasant correspondent for the Athens, Ohio newspaper the Messenger, also wrote extensively about the local sightings. In fact, after one very active weekend, she was deluged with over 500 phone calls from people who saw strange lights in the skies. One night in January 1967, she was working late in her office in the county courthouse and a man walked in the door. He was very short and had strange eyes that were covered with thick glasses. He also had long, black hair that was cut squarely “like a bowl haircut”. Hyre said that he spoke in a low, halting voice and he asked for directions to Welsh, West Virginia. She thought that he had some sort of speech impediment and for some reason, he terrified her. “He kept getting closer and closer to me, “ she said, “ and his funny eyes were staring at me almost hypnotically.”

Alarmed, she summoned the newspaper’s circulation manager to her office and together, they spoke to the strange little man. She said that at one point in the discussion, she answered the telephone when it rang and she noticed the little man pick up a pen from her desk. He looked at it in amazement, “as if he had never seen a pen before.” Then, he grabbed the pen, laughed loudly and ran out of the building.

Several weeks later, Hyre was crossing the street near her office and saw the same man on the street. He appeared to be startled when he realized that she was watching him, turned away quickly and ran for a large black car that suddenly came around the corner. The little man climbed in and it quickly drove away.

By this time, most of the sightings had come to an end and Mothman had faded away into the strange “twilight zone” from which he had come... but the story of Point Pleasant had not yet ended. At around 5:00 in the evening on December 15, 1967, the 700-foot bridge linking Point Pleasant to Ohio suddenly collapsed while filled with rush hour traffic. Dozens of vehicles plunged into the dark waters of the Ohio River and 46 people were killed. Two of those were never found and the other 44 are buried together in the town cemetery of Gallipolis, Ohio.
On that same tragic night, the James Lilley family (who still lived near the TNT plant at that time) counted more than 12 eerie lights that flashed above their home and vanished into the forest.

The collapse of the Silver Bridge made headlines all over the country and Mary Hyre went days without sleep as reporters and television crews from everywhere descended on the town. The local citizens were stunned with horror and disbelief and the tragedy is still being felt today.

During Christmas week, a short, dark-skinned man entered the office of Mary Hyre. He was dressed in a black suit, with a black tie, and she said that he looked vaguely Oriental. He had high cheekbones, narrow eyes and an unidentified accent. He was not interested in the bridge disaster, she said, but wanted to know about local UFO sightings. Hyre was too busy to talk with him and she handed her a file of related press clipping instead. He was not interested in them and insisted on speaking with her. She finally dismissed him from her office.

That same night, an identically described man visited the homes of several witnesses in the area who had reported seeing the lights in the sky. He made all of them very uneasy and uncomfortable and while he claimed to be a reporter from Cambridge, Ohio, he inadvertently admitted that he did not know where Columbus, Ohio was even though the two towns are just a few miles apart.

So who was Mothman and what was behind the strange events in Point Pleasant?

Whatever the creature may have been, it seems clear that Mothman was no hoax. There were simply too many credible witnesses who saw “something”. It was suggested at the time that the creature may have been a sandhill crane, which while they are not native to the area, could have migrated south from Canada. That was one explanation anyway, although it was one that was rejected by Mothman witnesses, who stated that what they saw looked nothing like a crane.

But there could have been a logical explanation for some of the sightings. Even John Keel (who believed the creature was genuine) suspected that a few of the cases involved people who were spooked by recent reports and saw owls flying along deserted roads at night. Even so, Mothman remains hard to easily dismiss. The case is filled with an impressive number of multiple-witness sightings by individuals that were deemed reliable, even by law enforcement officials.

But if Mothman was real... and he truly was some unidentified creature that cannot be explained, what was behind the UFO sightings, the poltergeist reports, the strange lights, sounds, the “men in black” and most horrifying, the collapse of the Silver Bridge?

John Keel believes that Point Pleasant was a “window” area, a place that was marked by long periods of strange sightings, monster reports and the coming and going of unusual persons. He states that it may be wrong to blame the collapse of the bridge on the local UFO sightings, but the intense activity in the area at the time does suggest some sort of connection. Others have pointed to another supernatural link to the strange happenings, blaming the events on the legendary Cornstalk Curse that was placed on Point Pleasant in the 1770's. (Click Here to Discover the details about the Cornstalk Curse)

And if such things can happen in West Virginia, then why not elsewhere in the country? Can these “window” areas explain other phantom attackers, mysterious creatures, mad gassers and more that have been reported all over America? Perhaps they can, but to consider this, we have to consider an even more chilling question... where will the next “window” area be? It might be of benefit to study your local sightings and weird events a little more carefully in the future!


:: Mind altering psychedelic trip ::
Početnik Domaćeg.de
Početnik Domaćeg.de

Datum registracije: 03 Jan 2006
Poruke: 102
Mesto: vo izguben svet

PorukaPostavljena: Sre Jan 11, 2006 4:29 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

oh, da, gledala sam taj dokumentarac. Sta znam, nekako i nije za verovanje. Kroz celu ameriku samo neko vidja cudna bica. Kako ih niko ne vidi u Evropi, nego u ruralnim oblastima amerike?

"We live in an age when pizza gets to your home before the police."

-- Jeff Marder.
Astral Projection
Početnik Domaćeg.de
Početnik Domaćeg.de

Godine: 36

Datum registracije: 11 Jan 2006
Poruke: 77
Mesto: Spiritual Dimension

PorukaPostavljena: Sre Jan 11, 2006 7:49 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

javljali su da su ih gledali i po rusiji.. i meni je u pochetq bilo glupo to samo za ameriku.. Rolling Eyes

:: Mind altering psychedelic trip ::
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