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Net Početnik Domaćeg.de
Godine: 33
Datum registracije: 24 Apr 2005 Poruke: 45 Mesto: Novi Sad
Dali je neko od vas ima ovu novu rasu ? Cuo sam da je nastala ukrstanjem vise rasa ukljucujuci i vuka. Pisite ovde ako znate nesto vise o SOP
_________________ Nema cekanja na carini u stranu se gleda
kroz terminal bez problema
roba ide preko reda do skladista od luke
brzi prevoz ispod ruke
bez ikakve provere
svuda imamo ljude |
stevasrs Upućeni član
Godine: 47
Datum registracije: 21 Jan 2004 Poruke: 305 Mesto: Zarkovo
kazu da i nije bas nesto...mada meni se licno svidja izgled i drzanje....
Dishi68 Početnik Domaćeg.de
Datum registracije: 21 Feb 2007 Poruke: 17
Srpski Odbrambeni Pas, S.O.P., Sop
Ненад Гавриловић
Српски Одбрамбени Пас, живи сведок српског царства
Српски Одбрамбени Пас је део културне заоставштине и националног идентитета српског народа. Појављује се у праскозорје историје код прото срба - старих сораба, одувек као војни пас. Служио је одано и Александра Македонског и његове старомакедонце. Прихваћен од српске круне Немањића, цењен као пас њихових предака, учествује са њима у ратним походима тог доба. Последњи бој у коме је учествовао Српски Одбрамбени Пас је битка на Косову 1389. године. На Косову српски војни стратези, по угледу на ратну тактику Александра Македонског покушавају да зауставе јуриш турских ратника на камилама. Високи војни сталеж тадашње Србије, Браћа Југовићи тада у бој уводе ратне псе Српске царске круне. Забрањена и заборављена историја српског народа, а она је била и славна и часна. Отргнувши из заборава тај мали делић царске славе непобедивог младог Душана, његових предака племенитих Немањића и светих косовских јунака, реконструисао сам верног пратиоца победничке војске круне Немањића. Стандард Српског Одбрамбеног Пса је веома стар, а записан је непосредно после Косовског боја. "залајаше девет љути лава". Тадашња српска војна елита, витезови круне Немањића, се изражавала лаконским обликом реченице. Што краћа и језгровитија реченица која описује саму сустину онога сто се исказује, без додатних форми које се могу погрешно и произвољно тумачити. Тако да је стандард Српког Одбрамбеног Пса кратак и јасан, "залајаше девет љути лава", одаје и психичке и физичке особине, снагу и моћ те расе. А и какав би други пас могао пратити српског цара, непобедивог младог Душана у ратне походе и свете српске ратнике на Косово а да није по свим својим особинама био налик љутим лавовима. Тако драги моји прозападно орјентисани кинолози, није Ненад Гавриловић написао стандард Српског Одбрамбеног Пса. Он га је само добио у аманет од својих предака, те по њему реконструисао расу. Војни пас српске царске војске је налик лаву по пропорцијама тела, рађа се у бојама и нијансама: лава, тигра и вука. А понекад стене се роди и црне боје, боје пантера. Дужина длаке је истоветна дужини длаке вука. Ако ваши пси и одступају од овог стандарда, није то никаква велика грешка. Највећа грешка је да не волите своје кућне љубимце колико они воле вас. Моје скромно мишљење је да је највећи кинолог и кинолошки стручњак онај човек који узме напустено штене са улице и пружи му топли дом. То је кинолог духа и људске савести, а сви они који се баве дужином њушке, ширином главе, висином, обликом, ставом ногу су већином кинолози форме, обично без унутрашњих садржаја, који у вањштини траже суштину.
с' поштовањем
Ненад Гавриловић (оснивач расе С.О.П. данас има одгајивачницу на Романији )
Poslednja prepravka: Dishi68 on Sre Feb 28, 2007 4:09 pm; ukupno izmenjena 4 puta |
Net Početnik Domaćeg.de
Godine: 33
Datum registracije: 24 Apr 2005 Poruke: 45 Mesto: Novi Sad
To je veoma snazan i borben pas. Izuzetan je cuvar kuce sa velikim dvoristem. Ima visok stepen agresivnosti
_________________ Nema cekanja na carini u stranu se gleda
kroz terminal bez problema
roba ide preko reda do skladista od luke
brzi prevoz ispod ruke
bez ikakve provere
svuda imamo ljude |
Dishi68 Početnik Domaćeg.de
Datum registracije: 21 Feb 2007 Poruke: 17
Evo jednog dela teksta koji je izasao u Gradjanskom listu.
"S.O.P-ovi su vrlo zahvalni za obuku.Ja sam doveo odrasle pse,koji su vrlo agresivni,narocito mizjak Beba,koji je vec promenio nekoliko vlasnika,ali sam ga brzo obucio.S.O.P-ovi su odani i poslusni,na komandu krenu i stanu.Ne plasim se da ce nekog napasti,ali u njihovoj blizini se ne smeju praviti nagli pokreti prema njim ni prema vlasniku.A kad krenu,ako ne dobiju komandu da stanu,idu do kraja,bez odzira na to da li je u pitanju covek ili neka zivotinja.On zeli da pobedi a ne da ubije.Neki ih,medjutim,koriste za borbe,ali mi se borimo protiv toga,jer je u pitanju porodicni pas.Od mene su odlazili u Zagreb,Umag i jos nekoliko mesta u Hrvatskoj.Sada imam narudzbe iz Juzne Koreje.Interesuju se u Siriji i Americi.Imao sam kontak s dreserima iz SAD koji obucavaju pse za policiju.Sada po njihovoj narudzbini,snimamo video materijal o radu s ovim psima-kaze Balanac(vlasnik odgajivacnice “Carski cuvar” "
Evo jos jednog dela iz iste reportaze iz Gredjanskog lista.
"Ozi je devetomesecno stene i jedan je od cetiri predstavnika ove rase u vojvodjanskoj prestonici.Iako jos nije odrastao,on imonuje svojom velicinom i inteligencijom,pa ni reporterima GL nije bilo svejedno dok im se vrzmao oko nogu.On je svestan svoje snage i karaktera,to je pas,nije pekinezer,ali mu moras biti pravi gazda,stabilnog karaktera.Donosi odluke sam i omah staje u odbrambeni stav,zato se ne smeju ciniti nagli pokreti,jer reaguje brze od coveka.Imao sam ranije i nemacke ovcare i sarplaninca,ali ni jedan nije bio prijemciv za obuku i poslusan kao on.Cim promenim tonalitet,on dolazi kod mene i nema potrebe da ga podmicujem ili tucem.Ne plasi se ni pucnjave,jednostavno,nezna za strah,ali uvek staje na stranu slabijih ili ugrozenih.Izvodim ga u setnju medju druge pse,kako bi se navikao na drustvo.Odan je i nemamo nikakvih problema s njim,iako zivi s nama u stanu-kaze njegov vlasnik Stevan Maksimovic"
Ljubicicac_85 Upozorenja: 1 od 3 Početnik Domaćeg.de
Godine: 39
Datum registracije: 15 Feb 2007 Poruke: 51
dobar je, al je njegov komsija TORNJAK bolji za klasu
nastasenjka ~daydreaming~
Datum registracije: 04 Mar 2005 Poruke: 34840 Mesto: medju javom i med snom
jao kako je lep...ne mogu da verujem...presletki psici
Put do zvezda je samo etapa kružnog puta do sebe, i ako znaš prečicu nema potrebe da se puno
lomataš po bespućima...
Ne, bato...Stigao si čim kreneš...
Cilj nosiš skriven pod kaputom, istetoviran na grudima kao metu...
I eto ti...U tome je tajna...U tome je jedini trik...
Dishi68 Početnik Domaćeg.de
Datum registracije: 21 Feb 2007 Poruke: 17
Poslednja prepravka: Dishi68 on Pet Feb 23, 2007 8:22 am; ukupno izmenjena 2 puta |
rizmal Lanin Sicilijanac
Godine: 40
Datum registracije: 27 Maj 2005 Poruke: 8742 Mesto: Beograd
he prvi put sam sada cuo za srpskog odbrambenog psa....
....tvoj i u dobru i u zlu.... |
maucetung Prijatelj foruma
Godine: 44
Datum registracije: 04 Dec 2005 Poruke: 4360 Mesto: Sremski Karlovci
Stvarno volim pse,i uopste i zivotinje.Ali mi je pun_ _ _ _ _ ,stvaranja novih rasa.Pogotovo sopa!
Sladak ili ne-svaka cast svakom.Imala sam prilike da vidim par sopova.Svaki je drugaciji :zut,crn,saren...neki kao cane corso!
Rasi treba duze vreme da se stvori da bi izgledala normalno.
Da je moglo ubacili bi i đavolsku krv(nije dosta vucija)samo da bude navodno "bolja rasa" !!!
Sta ce nekom u gradu sop?????
Sop treba da ide u svoju "prapostojbinu" Bosnu!!!
Dosta mi je preterivanja i pomodarstva!!!
_________________ Ta tvoja oka dva,dva mala badema
sto mi ih posla Bog protiv vradzbina.
Umesto ordena na mojim grudima,
nocas su zaspala! |
Dishi68 Početnik Domaćeg.de
Datum registracije: 21 Feb 2007 Poruke: 17
maucetung je napisao/la sledeće: | Stvarno volim pse,i uopste i zivotinje.Ali mi je pun_ _ _ _ _ ,stvaranja novih rasa.Pogotovo sopa!
Sladak ili ne-svaka cast svakom.Imala sam prilike da vidim par sopova.Svaki je drugaciji :zut,crn,saren...neki kao cane corso!
Rasi treba duze vreme da se stvori da bi izgledala normalno.Da je moglo ubacili bi i đavolsku krv(nije dosta vucija)samo da bude navodno "bolja rasa" !!!Sta ce nekom u gradu sop?????
Sop treba da ide u svoju "prapostojbinu" Bosnu!!!
Dosta mi je preterivanja i pomodarstva!!! |
У Италији су после другог светског рата постојала само два Напуљска мастифа па раса и даље постоји. Соп је само покушај реконструкције Старог српског молоса, који је по причањима старијих чобана личио на ротвајлера само што је био мало већи.
Serbian Sylvan Dog - Shumadinatz
The future of this ancient Molosser is uncertain. The Sumadinac, along with the Gampr, Sarplaninac, Kavkaz Volkodav, Tornjak, Epir Molossus, Tibetan Mastiff and other Eastern-European and Central Asian dogs is one of the founding blocks of the original Moloss stock. Thought by some to be the oldest dog of the region, this breed has been used throughout countless centuries as a capable livestock herder, personal guardian, property watchdog, large game hunter, war-dog and excellent sheep protector. Many view this Serbian breed as the Balkan variety of the Central Asian Shepherd, in whose population it is still very common to find a great number of Sylvan-like strains, both in terms of physical built and colourings. Some sources suggest that the Sylvanian Wolfdog might be descended from the Hyrcanian Mastiff of ancient Persia. This is uncertain, but the Sumadinac bears striking similarity in appearance to the Siah Sag type of the modern Iranian Sage Mazandarani breed, which is seen by many as a direct descendant of the Hyrcanian Tiger Dog. Other researchers link this breed to the near-identical, although milder-tempered Tuvan Shepherd Dog of Siberia and the original Sarmatian Mastiff from Ural, but these theories, although quite reasonable, are yet to be proven, as is the claim that its primary ancestor is the Bakharwal of India. Another rare Molosser seen as a regional variety of the Sylvan is the Transylvanian Alps Sheepdog from Romania. Many breed enthusiasts consider the Sylvan to be the progenitor of quite a few European breeds, namely the Hovawart, the Beauceron and the Rottweiler, among others. Although the "Dragon Law" which served as a basic breed Standard has existed for many centuries, the Sylvan was never officially recognized, but a modern version of the Standard has been accepted by the fanciers of the breed, even though there are no intentions whatsoever of showing the Sylvan Dogs as of yet.
Related to and often mistaken for a Sarplaninac (even though there are no black, black-n-tan or tricolour Sarplaninacs allowed), this magnificent dog from the region of Sylvania has been introduced into many breeds, within and outside the Balkan Peninsula. Due to the well established trade routes, it was a popular export dog in the ancient times, as well as the Middle ages, reaching as far as Portugal to the West and Mongolia to the East. Seing how dog breeding in the past was mainly done for improved working qualities and not for looks, the shepherds, Knights, noblemen and soldiers bred the Serbian Sylvan to Sarplaninacs, Tornjaks, Caucasians and other breeds throughout the region, which resulted in the numerous variants of both the Shumadinatz and those breeds we see today. A breed of great intelligence and sound temperament, the Shumadiner makes a good farm dog, as well as a companion and a competent service dog. It is extremely aggressive toward strange dogs, although it tolerates familiar dogs that don't question its dominance.
The Sylvan is a reserved and independent dog, usually developing a strong bond with a single person and its property, while being wary of strangers. An excellent wolf and bear killer, this breed makes a formidable hunting dog as well. Rare to find in its original form even in the Sumadija (Sylvania) region of Serbia, the Sylvan Watchdog is unfortunately on its way to extinction. Its blood, however, continues to flow through the veins of almost every Molosser of today. Fanciers of this breed are very protective of their dogs and rarely share any information with outsiders, some of them even deny having any knowledge about the Sumadijski Ovcar, oftentimes presenting their dogs as mongrels in order to be left alone. Most Sylvan enthusiasts blame the WW2 for the demise of their breed, in particular the introduction of its descendant, the German Shepherd Dog to the Balkans by the Nazi troops and its subsequent popularity with the Yugoslav Army. Both random and planned crossings with the GSD and Sarplaninac breeds have decimated the Sumadinac population and there are very few, if any at all, pure Sylvans left in existence. It is worth mentioning that among many names the breed had in the past, the Sylvan's primary name for centuries was "Zmaj" (Dragon), but the breed was most widely known locally as the "Vucjak" before the 2nd World War, which today just happens to be a very common misnomer used for all German Shepherd Dogs in Yugoslavia. Another traditional name is "Garov", but it is nowadays applied to all black and dark-coloured dogs in the Balkans, regardless of breed. It has been suggested that these name issues also played an important role in the Sylvanian Wolfdog's demise.
Deep-chested, muscular and athletic, the Sylvan is slightly leaner than a Sarplaninac and has a longer muzzle and narrower head. This breed is capable of great speeds and has fantastic jumping and climbing skills. The most prized dogs are the massive longhaired mountain-type Sylvan Wolfdogs, which are presently extremely rare to find. Short-haired type is still fairly common, although not as valued among certain purists. The superb Varkana, Black George and the Black Bear have traditionally been the most valued and respected bloodlines in the Sumadinac breed, but they're very rarely encountered in their pure form today. Of special note is the multitude of old "family" lines of the breed, referred to as such due to the practice of many rural Serbian families breeding their own specialized strains, most of which have been developed by combining the traditionally prized bloodlines, as well as by employing certain outcrosses which helped shape these individual "family" Sylvans and distinguish them from other lines in the breed. There is also a wire-haired bearded variant, but these rugged cattledogs are falsely considered unpure by some authorities, even though this type has been around since ancient times. Another sub-variety of the Sylvan is the lean hound type, known as the Sumadijski Gonic, but most enthusiasts believe that this rare hunting dog should be seen as a separate breed.
The hard, thick coat is either uniform black or black-n-tan, but white markings of varying sizes are acceptable on the chest and feet, regardless of coat colour. White markings on the muzzle are permitted, but not favoured. The undercoat is thick and can be either black, grey, brindle, red or reddish-brown. Among the black-n-tan and tricolour dogs, the most valued specimens are the ones with strong tan markings above the eyes, which are said to give the dog super-natural powers to protect the village from evil spirits. Another distinction between the black-n-tan varieties of the Sylvan has traditionally been made based on the amount of tan markings on the dog's head, with the "Otvoren" and "Zatvoren" names literally meaning "open" and "closed", the first one being used for examples with more tan and the latter for the dogs with more black on the face. There are two additional colourings still sometimes encountered in the breed, these being the red-coated "Crljen" type and the brindled "Sarov" variety, but they're not valued by most fanciers, even though they're just as pure and just as ancient as the black-based Sylvans. The ears are equally appreciated in any "drop" type and can be either cropped or left natural. The tail is also accepted in any shape and can be unaltered or docked in either the very short fashion as associated with modern Rottweilers or slightly longer as commonly encountered on most Central Asian Ovtcharkas. An interesting characteristic of the breed is that the females are more active and driven workers than the male dogs, which generally stay close to the flock or property while their bitches are the first ones to confront the predators. Only if the female fails to chase the intruder away or the attackers get too close to the herd does the male dog engage in a conflict. The Sylvan breed is also known for having very small litters, usually only 2 or 3 pups per season. As is the case with other old mountain Molossers, Sylvan males are usually much larger than their female counterparts. The ideal height is said to be 35 inches, but most specimens today average 30 inches or less at the withers, with some "family" strains being even smaller.
Poslednja prepravka: Dishi68 datum Ned Feb 25, 2007 4:06 pm; ukupno izmenjena 1 put |
Dishi68 Početnik Domaćeg.de
Datum registracije: 21 Feb 2007 Poruke: 17
Serbian Beardog - Metchkar
There are a few theories concerning the origins of this breed, from those that are tracing its roots to the Assyrian Mastiff to the ones claiming that this is in fact the only direct and true descendant of the Alaunt. Most authorities believe that the old Serbian Beardog was developed from ancient Molossian hounds of Greece, mountain dogs of the Balkans and various war mastiffs brought by the Romans. By the Middle Ages it was established as a guardian of castles and military camps, but was also a popular hunter, fighter and bear-baiting dog. Said to had been colossal in stature and ferocious in personality, the Rashka Mastiff was a valued watchdog and large game hunting dog of the Serbian nobility. While the largest dogs were the most appreciated ones, it is thought that there was a variety of types within the breed, the larger Rashka Mastiffs being primarily property guardians, while the smaller variants were used as hunters and fighters. It has even been suggested that it was the medium-sized dogs that were the true Metchkar breed, since their agility and tenacity made them ideal for the duties they were expected to perform. This is based on the assumption that the tallest and heaviest dogs were nowhere near as athletic and were therefore kept only as watchdogs and Royal companions. However, due to the lack of reliable information on either of these types, the Metchkar and the Rashka Mastiff are viewed as the representatives of a single breed, known as the Old Serbian Mastiff.
These aggressive dogs weren't popular among the peasants who were partial to their old and reliable shepherd dogs, such as the Sylvan, Sarplaninac, Tornjak and others, but it is also believed that the common men weren't allowed to own and breed the Metchkar. Almost exclusively kept by the Rashka aristocracy, the Serbian Metchkar Mastiff was prized for its noble heritage and spirit. Some historians suppose that the Serbs might have used these dogs in their battles against the Turks, although there is no substantial proof of that. Some referrences in folk tales and war songs from the Middle Ages have been linked to the Serbian Mastiff, but this theory, even though quite sensible, still requires more research. Most authorities agree that the breed probably didn't survive the Otoman occupation and by the end of the 19th century, there were very little pure specimens left. The breed vanished in the early 1900's, although some fanciers believe that a number of unpure examples might have survived the First World War, with some representatives reportedly still being encountered during WW2 in some regions, before dying out altogether. However, stories about this majestic Moloss remained and in the 1980's the Serbian Mastiff breed has been re-created under the Serbian Defense Dog name. There are reportedly additional revival programmes underway as well, including some that are focused on re-constructing specific types of the breed, such as the Sandzak Mastiff experiment. As of yet, none of these other efforts have given satisfactory results, but it is only a matter of time before potential developers succeed in re-establishing this legendary Serbian Molosser.
The head of the Metchkar is large and broad, with a well-defined stop and a powerful muzzle and jaws. The neck is fairly long and muscular, with moderate dewlaps. Straight-backed, wide-chested, long-legged and strongly boned, this mastiff resembles ancient Suliot Hounds and early Deutsche Dogges, as well as the Danish Broholmer and similar breeds. The tail is docked and the ears are left unaltered. There were a few types of the Old Serbian Mastiff, mostly separated by size and their specific duties, coming in a few colourings, like the brindle Sharatz, fawn Zhuyan, black Gavran and the least common and fairly unpopular white Alban. The coat is short, hard and dense. Average height for the smaller variety is around 27 inches, while the larger type measures up to 35 inches at the shoulder.
Poslednja prepravka: Dishi68 datum Ned Feb 25, 2007 4:13 pm; ukupno izmenjena 1 put |
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