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Edgar Allan Poe
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Autor Poruka
ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ
<b>ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ</b>

Godine: 42

Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005
Poruke: 30310

PorukaPostavljena: Sre Okt 17, 2007 5:40 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane


There are some qualities- some incorporate things,
That have a double life, which thus is made
A type of that twin entity which springs
From matter and light, evinced in solid and shade.
There is a two-fold Silence- sea and shore-
Body and soul. One dwells in lonely places,
Newly with grass o'ergrown; some solemn graces,
Some human memories and tearful lore,
Render him terrorless: his name's "No More."
He is the corporate Silence: dread him not!
No power hath he of evil in himself;
But should some urgent fate (untimely lot!)
Bring thee to meet his shadow (nameless elf,
That haunteth the lone regions where hath trod
No foot of man,) commend thyself to God!

ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ
<b>ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ</b>

Godine: 42

Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005
Poruke: 30310

PorukaPostavljena: Sre Okt 17, 2007 5:41 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

In Youth I Have Known One

How often we forget all time, when lone
Admiring Nature's universal throne;
Her woods - her winds - her mountains - the intense
Reply of Hers to Our intelligence!


In youth I have known one with whom the Earth
In secret communing held - as he with it,
In daylight, and in beauty, from his birth:
Whose fervid, flickering torch of life was lit
From the sun and stars, whence he had drawn forth
A passionate light - such for his spirit was fit -
And yet that spirit knew - not in the hour
Of its own fervour - what had o'er it power.


Perhaps it may be that my mind is wrought
To a fever by the moonbeam that hangs o'er,
But I will half believe that wild light fraught
With more of sovereignty than ancient lore
Hath ever told - or is it of a thought
The unembodied essence, and no more
That with a quickening spell doth o'er us pass
As dew of the night time, o'er the summer grass?


Doth o'er us pass, when as th' expanding eye
To the loved object - so the tear to the lid
Will start, which lately slept in apathy?
And yet it need not be - (that object) hid
From us in life - but common - which doth lie
Each hour before us - but then only bid
With a strange sound, as of a harpstring broken
T' awake us - 'Tis a symbol and a token -


Of what in other worlds shall be - and given
In beauty by our God, to those alone
Who otherwise would fall from life and Heaven
Drawn by their heart's passion, and that tone,
That high tone of the spirit which hath striven
Though not with Faith - with godliness - whose throne
With desperate energy 't hath beaten down;
Wearing its own deep feeling as a crown.

ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ


Datum registracije: 08 Okt 2006
Poruke: 7256

PorukaPostavljena: Pet Okt 19, 2007 12:50 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

Ovo je i suvishe genijalno i sentimentalno, hvala na postu...
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