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Babylon Zoo
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Autor Poruka
Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma

Datum registracije: 20 Mar 2006
Poruke: 7464

PorukaPostavljena: Pon Jan 07, 2008 2:53 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

Blue Nude

croud of the silver dance
presence of silence
Don't be alone tonight

Take both hands we clap the flavour
I will paint you
Nights through the mastervision silence
I will paint you

Blue is the canvas
Night of the silver dance
Presence of silence
Don't be alone tonight

Take both hands we clap her claim her
I will paint you
Right through the masturbation silence
I will paint you

Arrogance is sold, arrogance is cold
I will paint you
Trying to get the stars of fashion, fashion
I will paint you

I am visible
I am invisible
I am visible
I am invisible

I am visible
I am invisible
I am visible
I am invisible

I am visible
I am invisible

Prijatelj foruma
Prijatelj foruma

Datum registracije: 20 Mar 2006
Poruke: 7464

PorukaPostavljena: Pon Jan 07, 2008 2:53 pm    Naslov poruke: Na vrh strane Na dno strane

Metal Vision

We have metal vision
Robot 3D eyes
Turn on your television
Join the humanoids

God is television
Loves you, never lies
Turn on metal vision
We are humanoid

You watch metal vision
To numb your 3D eye
Break through the mechanism
Become a humanoid

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Upišite novu temu   Odgovorite na temu    www.domaci.de Forum Indeks -> ~ Strana muzika ~ -> ~ Strani Lyrics ~ -> Babylon Zoo Vreme je podešeno za GMT + 1 sat
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