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Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ

Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310

Trudićemo se da Vas svakog dana "počastimo" zanimljivim rečima, bilo da je u pitanju naš, maternji, ili neki drugi jezik.
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
Poslednja prepravka: Annabel_Lee on Ned Sep 03, 2006 12:16 am; ukupno izmenjena 2 puta |
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ

Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310

srp. експлоратер (фр. explorateur), латиницом: eksplorater
вој. извидник, извиђач, ухода; истраживач.
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
Poslednja prepravka: Annabel_Lee datum Pon Sep 04, 2006 12:09 am; ukupno izmenjena 1 put |
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ

Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310

engl. orotund • \OR-uh-tund\ • adjective
1 : marked by fullness, strength, and clarity of sound : sonorous
*2 : pompous, bombastic
Example sentence:
Josh cleared his throat dramatically, then did a dead-on impression of the professor's orotund, patronizing speech.
Did you know?
The Latin roots of "orotund" are related to two more common English words—"oral" and "rotund." Latin "or-" means "mouth," and "rotundus" means "round" or "circular." The Roman poet Horace joined forms of those Latin terms to create the phrase "ore rotundo," literally meaning "with round mouth," and figuratively meaning "with well-turned speech." "Ore rotundo" was modified to "orotund" and adopted into English in the late 18th century. It can indicate either strength of delivery or inflated wording.
*Indicates the sense illustrated in the example sentence.
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
Poslednja prepravka: Annabel_Lee datum Pon Sep 04, 2006 12:09 am; ukupno izmenjena 1 put |
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ

Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310

franc. la mémère (may-mer) n.f.
granny, grandma
Like "fifille," "mémère" is a somewhat old-fashioned and informal word, used as a term of affection--"old dear"--when not uttered in a teasing way: "That hat makes you look like une mémère!")
In Quebec, "mémère" refers to a chatty, indiscrete person (read: a gossip!). There is also the verb (used, again, in Quebec) "mémèrer": to gossip.
The Petit Larousse, not one to mince words, defines the French word "mémère" as "a woman, quite plump and old."
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ |
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ

Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310

srp. атеража (фр. atterrage), латиницом: ateraža
мор. место пристајања, пристан,пристаниште.
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ
Poslednja prepravka: Annabel_Lee datum Sre Sep 06, 2006 12:14 pm; ukupno izmenjena 1 put |
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ

Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310

nem. schadenfreude \SHOD-n-froy-duh\, noun:
A malicious satisfaction obtained from the misfortunes of others.
Schadenfreude comes from the German, from Schaden, "damage" + Freude, "joy." It is often capitalized, as it is in German.
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ |
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ

Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310

srp. облокуција (нл.oblocutio), латиницом: oblokucija
противречење, приговарање; облоквијум
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ |
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ

Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310

ital. dubbio: doubt
Example Phrase: È senza dubbio un animale molto bizzarro.
English Translation: It is without a doubt a very strange animal.
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ |
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ

Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310

rus. Word: Мороженое
Meaning: Ice-cream
Example: Давай купим мороженое!
Translation: Let's buy some ice-cream.
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ |
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ

Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310

srp. ђор ћутук (тур. kor kotek), латиницом: đor ćutuk
мртав пијан, пијан као тресак.
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ |
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ

Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310

engl. vade mecum \vay-dee-MEE-kuhm; vah-dee-MAY-\, noun:
1. A book for ready reference; a manual; a handbook.
2. A useful thing that one regularly carries about.
Vade mecum is from Latin, literally meaning "go with me."
The reader who wants honestly to understand it, and not merely read into it his own ideas, needs some kind of vade mecum to provide the necessary background and explain unfamiliar words and allusions and strange turns of thought.
-- Robert C. Dentan, "Including Uz and Buz", New York Times, November 17, 1968
Roget's Thesaurus, which had come into being as a linguistic example of the Platonic ideal, became instead a vade mecum for the crossword cheat.
-- Simon Winchester, "Word Imperfect", The Atlantic, May 2001
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ |
Annabel_Lee ஐ NaUgHtGeLiC ஐ

Godine: 42
Datum registracije: 02 Feb 2005 Poruke: 30310

franc. apporter (a pohr tay) verb
to bring; to supply or provide
Le soir de la vie apporte avec soi sa lampe.
The evening of life brings with it its lamp. --Joseph Joubert
_________________ ƸӜƷ Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ƸӜƷ |
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